A watermill was reconstructed where the towns of Zalamerenye and Zalakaros meet. The reconstruction work finished in 2015 august.
The millwasfirstmentionedinthe1400s and it was owned by the Pálos Monastery of Örményes . After the dissolution of the Pálos monasticism the ownership went to the metropolitan of Veszprém and then from 1888 it was privately owned. The last owner of themill was Gyula Zsohár.
The millground until 1960 and then unfortunately it slowly be camedecay.
The mill was reconstructed a show it lookedl ike in 1903. The main elments of the mill are the two watermill-wheels, the refiner and the millstoneduct. The mill is now working and is able to produce flour. Inside of the building the walls are decorated with many documents aswell as objects that were back then being used.
The mill is now under private ownership and the owners welcome any visitors. There is no admissionfeeor opening times. If the door is open then you are more than welcome to come in, if it isn’t then please make an appointment with us bye it her calling, sending an e-mail or contacting us via facebook.
Katalin Szabadicsné Madaras: +3630/277-5257
Attila Szabadics: +3630/348-5068
E-mail: attila@szabadics.hu
Facebook: Pálos Malom