In Zalakaros, the tourism as the determining industry branch has been dominant for decades, thanks to the thermal treasure of the city and its surroundings, its natural wonders and man-made attractions. In recent years, the need for a professional management of tourism has become increasingly urgent, therefore the local tourism professionals have decided to establish a Tourism Association.
The Tourism Association of Zalakaros was founded in the spring of 2008 by the Municipality of the City of Zalakaros and the dominant touristic service providers of the town: the spa, the hotels and private accommodation providers and the entrepreneurs.
Harmonization and coordination of the activities of natural persons and legal entities - particularly, their market activities - engaged in the tourism of Zalakaros and the services directly related to it; establishment of cooperation between them and the coordinated utilization of the financial resources available for this purpose. The main task of the association is the coordinated presentation of the touristic values of the city and its surroundings. According to its capabilities, the association contributes to the balanced development of the town and its surroundings, in a way that is sustainable in the long run. The association tries to perform high-level marketing activities, with the collaboration of tourism market players of Zalakaros. Another key objective is to increase the number of guests and overnight stays of Zalakaros, prpoduct development, a better use of the existing touristic endowments, attraction of higher solvency guests and the expansion of the season throughout the year.