
Walking tours, city walks

Parkerdõ offers nice excursions. Tourist routes pass by “Kilátó” (Observation Tower) that offers a magnificent panoramic view of Balaton Uplands; with clear sight, one can see as far as Badacsony even.

  1. Walk in the forest park of Zalakaros: 4150 metres passing by the observation tower, the sleigh track and the so-called “Százlépcsõ” (Hundred Steps)
  2. “Bögre hill” round: 5500 metres walk around the city passing by the hillside wine yards, vaults and the belfry
  3. “Kilátó round”: 5150 metres walk around the city passing by shops, restaurants, the observation tower and wine-vaults panoramic view of the surrounding landscape
  4. “Felsõ hill” round: 5850 metres walk around city passing by ice cream shops, restaurants and the observation tower
  5. Bath Zalakaros – Forest park Zalakaros – vineyards – fishpond Galambok – Galambok
  6. National Blue Trail: towards Galambok and Zalaújlak
  7. Regional Green Trail: towards Zalamerenye